Supported Modules in Python Online Compiler

Python Online Compiler supports a wide range of Python modules, which are pre-installed and ready to use. This page provides an overview of the supported modules in Python Online Compiler.

The Python Online Compiler can compile a variety of Python modules, mention in below table:

Supported ModulesOverview
asgirefThis module provides a framework for building asynchronous web applications in Python.
certifiThis module provides a collection of root certificates for verifying SSL connections.
charset-normalizerThis module provides a library for detecting the character encoding of a text file.
cyclerThis module provides a library for generating cyclic patterns in Python.
dj-database-urlThis module provides a utility for working with database URLs in Django.
DjangoThis module is a web framework for building web applications in Python.
django-cors-headersThis module provides a middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Django.
django-herokuThis module provides a library for deploying Django applications to Heroku.
django-s3-sqliteThis module provides a storage backend for Django that uses Amazon S3 and SQLite.
idnaThis module provides a library for handling Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).
joblibThis module provides tools for parallel computing in Python.
kiwisolverThis module provides a library for solving nonlinear equations and optimization problems in Python.
matplotlibThis module provides a library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
numpyThis module provides a library for working with arrays and matrices in Python.
pandasThis module provides a library for working with data in Python.
PillowThis module provides a library for working with images in Python.
pipThis module is a package installer for Python.
psycopg2This module provides a PostgreSQL database adapter for Python.
pyparsingThis module provides a library for parsing text in Python.
python-dateutilThis module provides a library for working with dates and times in Python.
pytzThis module provides a library for working with time zones in Python.
PyYAMLThis module provides a library for working with YAML data in Python.
requestsThis module provides a library for making HTTP requests in Python.
scikit-learnThis module provides a library for machine learning in Python.
scipyThis module provides a library for scientific computing in Python.
setuptoolsThis module provides a package installer for Python.
sixThis module provides a library for handling Python 2/3 compatibility issues.
sklearnThis module provides a collection of machine learning algorithms and tools in Python.
sqlparseThis module provides a library for parsing and formatting SQL queries in Python.
threadpoolctlThis module provides a library for controlling thread pools in Python.
turtleThis module provides a library for creating graphics and animations in Python.
typing_extensionsThis module provides a library for type annotations in Python.
urllib3This module provides a library for making HTTP requests in Python.
wheelThis module provides a package installer for Python.
whitenoiseThis module provides a middleware for serving static files in Django.